Music Ministry
"“The one who sings prays twice”.
-St. Augustine

Director of Music
Jesus Gonzalez
The St. Mary Magdalen Adult Choir is open to all adults who love to sing and worship! Come and see what we do and decide if this is the ministry for you. The adult choir sings on Sundays for the 10:00 AM mass and other special liturgies throughout the year.
Rehearsals: Thursdays from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm in the Music Room. (Church Hall 25 Las Posas Rd.)
*Please contact the Director of Music, Jesus Gonzalez, for more information or auditions.
Adult Choir
Phone: 805-482-1219 x256

Spanish Choir
The choir sings every Sunday for the noon Spanish mass. Our choir is currently recruiting singers and musicians to join the ensemble.
Rehearsals: Wednesdays from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm in the Music Room. (Church Hall 25 Las Posas Rd.)
*Please contact the Director of Music, Jesus Gonzalez, for more information or auditions.

This Choir presents modern arrangements to classic mass songs and today's Praise & Worship hits. We have a youthful spirit and we present that through all of our music.
Musicians and Vocalist are welcome!
Age range for members is Highschool and beyond!
Rehearsals: Tuesdays from 6:00pm - 8:00pm in the Church (25 Las Posas Rd.)
6:00pm - 8:00pm Musicians
7:00pm - 8:00pm Voices & Musicians
*Please contact Jeremiah Shoop for more information.
Contemporary Choir

Children's Choir
The St. Mary Magdalen Children’s Choir program teaches children the language of music and artistic expression within the context of a Catholic community of faith. The choristers are actively involved in the spiritual and liturgical life of the church. They serve as ministers of music at selected masses throughout the school year.
Rehearsals: Thursdays from 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm in the
Music Room -Church Hall-25 Las Posas Rd.
*Please contact the Children’s Choir Director, Maria Neff for more information or auditions.