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Parish History

Standing in a place of honor on the rough wooden plank platform next to the priest, a dark-haired little girl holding a small metal box, and dressed in her Sunday-best, fidgeted in the warm summer sun. Along with a small group of nuns, neighbors and family members, she waited impatiently for her part in the ceremony as the priest seemed to drone on endlessly in Latin verses over a block of imported grayish marble.

Finally, after sprinkling the carved block one last time with Holy Water, he turned to Carmen, youngest daughter of Adolfo Camarillo. The youngster handed him the box containing the family history and other memorabilia. The priest placed it within the foundation. Workmen then moved the heavy cornerstone into its final place. It was July 1, 1913. St. Mary Magdalen had been officially established.

The spectators slowly disbanded. Climbing into black convertible touring cars, they drove down the dusty hill and rough road to celebrate this event at the nearby Camarillo Victorian mansion with its multi-cupolaed red rooftops thrusting above the surrounding lush green grove of trees. It marked the fulfillment of a dream for Juan E. Camarillo and his brother, Adolfo.

For several years the brothers had planned to build a more permanent structure to replace the     overcrowded one-room wooden family chapel atop the hill along El Camino Real. Across Ventura Boulevard from the chapel stood a drug store with a high wooden billboard-like front that now stands vacant -- the former Southern Pacific railroad depot that had given Camarillo its name. A few blocks westward near the middle of what is now Arneil Road, was the Pleasant Valley Baptist Church that was built in 1890. A new hilltop church of ample proportions would set the tone of the growing city for decades to come and serve as a fitting tribute to God, the city, and the first family.

One day while Juan was traveling near his father's birthplace of Mexico City, a mission-style church caught his eye. He commissioned architect Albert C. Martin to design the Camarillo church along the same lines. Juan built the church in honor of his father, Don Juan Camarillo, and his mother, Martina Hernandez. It was named for Juan and Adolfo's oldest sister, Magdalena.

The chapel design included an east wing, a family crypt, and a picturesque foundation.The east courtyard foundation, which was modeled after one at the Santa Barbara mission, quickly became a popular bird bath and favorite gathering place for many of the parishioners after Sunday Mass. To celebrate Mass, a priest drove over from Oxnard each Sunday and for feast days and special ceremonies.The crypt beneath the southwest corner of the building was unfortunately used all to soon by the Camarillo family and now contains the remains of many of its members.  There once was a drop door in front of the white marble main altar to lower the casket down into the crypt but the mechanism was unreliable. Consequently, it was sealed over the caskets were carried around the chapel and down the stairs.

On July 4, 1914, the magnificent chapel was dedicated by the Bishop at an impressive ceremony attended by most of the townspeople coming in flag-draped cars. From it's hill top position, the chapel's belfry tower, looking like a multi-tiered wedding cake, was the dominate landmark in Pleasant Valley. It was from this tower, that the bell tolled thrice daily calling the faithful to the Angelus.

Juan spared no expense in furnishing the new family chapel. The doors, floors, and pews were of warm, handsome oak which highlighted the white marble wainscotting along the walls, and softened the cold, hard atmosphere of the stone.  Flanking the main altar were white marble bust-size statues of the Sacred Heart, Blessed Mother, and St. Mary Magdalen holding a vial of precious ointment -- all mounted on black marble pedestals. A full size statue of the Little Flower stood nearby.The most notable chapel fixtures were its magnificent 13 stained glass windows.  These azure, crimson, green, and gold windows tell a double story -- one of the life of Christ, the other of a world at war.


While on a trip to Europe, Juan Camarillo selected the windows in Munich, Germany. The year was 1913 and the early rumbles of the continent gathering its strength for conflict were growing with each passing day. Somewhere between the studios of glass-blower F. X. Zettler of Munich and the church on a hilltop in faraway Camarillo, the stained glass windows were lost. Zettler's name can be seen at the bottom of the windows depicting the Holy Family (east side) and Christ with the children (west side). Despite the best efforts of the Camarillo family through consuls and ambassadors, the windows appeared lost forever. Mrs. Carmen Camarillo Jones recalled that her uncle Juan feared they were at the bottom of the sea. One day a letter arrived from a German official. This official in Munich had been noticing several large crates staked outside a building with Juan's name on them. He had written Juan several letters and finally one got through at the end of Word War 1. Much to the joy and relief of everyone, the lost windows had been found. However, it was a painfully slow and long trek to Los Angeles, and then on to Camarillo, before they were finally installed in the thick brick and plastered chapel walls in 1919.

The late Mrs. Rosa Camarillo Petit remembered the heavy white paper windows that were used in the chapel until the real ones could be found, as she was married during that time -- November 11, 1914 -- the first wedding to be performed in the new chapel. The Petit family also held the first baptism when their first child, Ynez, was born. Tragically, they likewise claimed the first funeral in the chapel when their 19 month old baby daughter died in 1917.

The Adolfo and Isabel Camarillo family consisted of six girls and one boy while Juan Camarillo remained a bachelor. The Camarillo children were Frank, Isabel, Minerva, Rosa, Carmen, Ave Marie,

and Martina. During the past 76 years, the rugged hilltop chapel has withstood the ravages of earthquakes, fire, and time.  Mrs. Gloria Petit Longo recalls the effects of a smoke damaged interior resulting from a fire. It occurred a few days before her wedding and the ceremony was held under paint scaffolding. In 1940, four years after the death of Juan Camarillo, the

family chapel of St. Mary Magdalen was given to the Los Angeles Archdiocese to use as a parish church. Just the previous year, one hundred acres of Rancho Calleguas that had been bequeathed to Adolfo and Juan by their father, was deeded to the same Archdiocese for the purpose of building a Seminary. The first buildings for the St. John's Major Seminary were

completed in 1939.


The present rectory at St. Mary Magdalen was built in 1948. Adjacent to the rectory, Adolfo turned the first shovel of dirt on St. Joseph's Day, March 19, 1954, to break ground for the St. Mary Magdalen grade school. The first class was admitted on September 14, 1954 with the dedication during the Marion Year occurring on November 6, 1954. Soon afterwards the building which had originally been the caretaker's house, and then the first rectory, was again to undergo changes. This time it was to be renovated and expanded to accommodate the Sisters who were teaching and running the new school.



Several years after Adolfo Camarillo's death at the age of 94 in December 1958, Mrs. Carmen Camarillo Jones donated the family mansion and several acres of land to the Augustinian Order of priests for use as a residence and house of prayer and studies for Catholic priests, nuns, and seminarians. As the years passed and the city grew, St. Mary Magdalen's capacity of 350 people became insufficient to handle the needs of the parish despite the addition of extra masses. While a

building drive was organized by the pastor, Monsignor Dennis J. Falvey, to construct a larger church, stop gap measures were taken by permitting parishioners the choice of attending two masses each Sunday at the beautiful St. John's Seminary chapel.


A six acre site was acquired at the corner of Las Posas Road and Crestview Avenue for a new parish church; and the architectural firm of Carmichael and Kemp, Alhambra, California was commissioned to design the new building. Cardinal Timothy Manning, Archbishop of Los Angeles delivered the main address from an improvised truck trailer platform, then turned the first spade of dirt for the ground-breaking on December 29, 1974. Unfortunately, Msgr. Falvey had passed away a short time earlier and was unable to see his labors reach fruition.The new St. Mary Magdalen church, which seats nearly 850 people, was opened for the celebration of the Mass

on Christmas Day 1975 with Midnight Mass offered by the new pastor, Monsignor John C. Hughes. The formal dedication occurred on June 27, 1976.


The new church reflects California's mission heritage with a white stucco exterior, red tile roofing, outdoor patio surrounded by lush gardens and a series of arches, colorful stained glass windows, and an interior of warm brown, beige and gold earth tones. The inside is composed mainly of a handsome lattice work of exposed wooden beams, paneling, a dark

walnut alter, and pews with towering hand carved sanctuary. The Stations of the Cross were crafted by artisans in Italy. The composition, mainly wood and stucco, will alleviate dangers from nearby earthquake faults. It is a church that is large enough to accommodate the needs of a growing, vibrant parish and one which will serve as a continuing tribute to

the proud traditions initiated by the Camarillo family.

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St. Mary Magdalen Church



2532 Ventura Blvd.

Camarillo, CA 93010

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